Yankees gay pride hat

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Ross, and the Reina Project and Sasha Washington performed. The evening’s red carpet was hosted by Tym Moss and Appolonia Cruz, the emcees were Vivika Westwood Mugler and Jahlissa A. Richter, was on hand to accept the honor. Weinberg died last September, and her spouse, New York State Appellate Division Justice Rosalyn H. The Yankees are one of four teams along with the Los Angeles Angels, Cincinnati Reds and Milwaukee Brewers to not have a game set aside to honor the LGBT community.

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Rodriguez, the vice president of care coordination services at Argus Community, which provides works with underserved families on issues including HIV/ AID Jahaira Gonzalez, a longtime transgender activist who is the director of outreach and engagement at Destination Tomorrow - The Bronx LGBT Center and Hands in 4 Youth, a Gay-Straight Alliance at PS/ MS 29 in the Melrose neighborhood.ĭiaz also posthumously honored longtime lesbian leader Janet Weinberg, who had held senior positions at Gay Men’s Health Crisis, the LGBT Community Center, and the Educational Alliance. The June 5th event honored Fabio Cotza, the director of the Safe Horizon Bronx Child Advocacy Center, which provides support and services to youth who have suffered sexual and physical abuse Maria A. Billy’s Sports Bar near Yankee Stadium once again played host to Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr.’s annual LGBTQ Pride Celebration.

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